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AI Tools

This site has dozens of writing tools for tasks like blogs, ads, and social media. There is a free version with 10,000 words per month, a "long-form" option with anywhere from 60 thousand to 10 million words per month, and an option for teams. This site is my "go to" for all writing tasks.


Writesonic is an AI writing tool that helps you create high-quality content in minutes. With Writesonic, you can easily create blog posts, articles, social media posts, product descriptions, and more.

  • Features

  • A wide range of templates to choose from, including articles, ads, marketing, ecommerce, social media, and website copy.
  • Customize your content with just a few clicks.
  • Generate different creative text formats of text content, like poems, code, scripts, musical pieces, email, and letters.
  • Create images to accompany your text content.
  • Bulk upload multiple requests, like short press releases, and have Writesonic create them in one pass.
  • Save your work in history so it can be reused and modified later.

Writesonic offers a free trial that limits you to 10,000 words every month, but that is still quite generous. Paid plans start at $33/month and, generally, increase the number of words you can generate.


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