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AI Tools

Clipdrop applies AI tools to pictures. You can provide a text prompt and generate four high-resolution images that you can download and use in your personal projects at no cost. A "Pro" version removes all imaging restrictions and is faster.


ClipDrop is an AI-powered "ultimate ecosystem" of resources for all creators.

  • Features

  • Cleanup photos by removing objects, people, text, and other defects.
  • Remove the background from a photo.
  • Relight a photo to change the location and color of the light on the subject.
  • Upscale an image by 2X or 4X.
  • Generate high-resolution images with Stable Diffusion.
  • Replace the background in an image.
  • Remove text from signs in an image.
  • Create variants of an image.

Many features of Clipdrop are available in the free version, but with some restrictions. In the free version, images created by Clipdrop include a watermark and are limited in size to 1024 X 1024. The "Pro" version is faster and it removes the watermarks and restrictions.

About Stable Diffusion

Clipdrop is an application of Stable Diffusion. Stable Diffusion was developed by the start-up Stability AI together with a number of academic researchers and non-profit organizations. It works by first generating a low-resolution image from a text description. This image is then gradually refined until it reaches the desired resolution. The model is trained on a massive dataset of text and images, which allows it to generate realistic and detailed images.

Stable Diffusion has a number of advantages over other text-to-image models. First, it is very stable, which means that it is less likely to generate images that are blurry or noisy. Second, it is very fast, which means that it can generate images in a matter of seconds. Third, it is very versatile, which means that it can be used to generate a wide variety of images, from landscapes to portraits to abstract art.


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